Editor: Tatiana Pavlova, the President of Association Siberian Cats Fancier.
For a long time cat has been living beside us. It’s a irreplaceable helper in family life, guard and hunter, luxury object, cult symbol, and loyal friend. Cat – is a mysterious gift of Nature, embodiment of Her beauty and variety.
For example, look at Siberian cat. How harmoniously it comes to our life! In view of its exterior and character it personifies national features of Russian people. It’s a courageous faithful animal with independent strong nature, fearless hunters with brawny body on mighty heavyset arms, with wide fluffy tail, and emerald green eyes. Long whiskers and eyebrows, huge collar, smart breeches on back feet accentuate might of this big impressive and tender domestic animal, which is able to protect master in any moment as well as create comfort in his house. Extraordinary geniality help this cat to get on with a dogs and other domestic animals.
The origin of Siberian cats comes from the distant past, and causes a lot of disputes. Still the constant is: Siberian breed – it’s russian indugenous breed, similar to russian people by temper and spirit. With the advent of russian felinology it take a positive direction in popularization of breed, and in the selective rearing.
The first mentions of the cats similar to Siberians appeared in the notice dated 16 century. Back then they were called the Bukharian cats. They were big, massive animals with a big head and a long neck. It is possible to meet they throughout the territory of the Russian Empire. It is unknown when and how these cats appeared in Siberia. Interestingly, that natives lead the nomadism, so didn’t keep any cats. Apparently, these cats came at the same time with an active trade with Asia.The Bukharian cats could come to Siberia from there with the merchant caravans or like a present to the noble people. The wild forest cats and the wild steppe cats, who spontaneously related to domestic cats have taken the important part in formation of breed. Till this time, in Ussurian and Amur lands there are cases of domestic cats given birth to the hybrids with the forest cats. It is a real specimen of ideal siberian cat with its strong forest charm yet with domestic temper.
Partially similar to Man–coon and Norwey forest cat, Siberian cats have a several differences. They skeleton was heavier, the arms are more heavyset, the head have more round shape, and more massive with a strong chin, the ears are shorter, and set wide. Work of felinologs consist in selection of more phenotypic individuals to create the standard of the breed.
The first prior standard of siberian breed composed in 1987 by Olga Mironova. In next years it was complete, and approve in 1990 by Soviet Felinology Federation. And now it recognized by majority of federations in World.
Thereafter the history of breeding of siberians was begun. A big part in development of siberian breed is belong to cattaries of Russia, ukraine and Belorussia. Thanks to them, siberian cat begin one of the most prestige breeds of the World.
The great capable selection, wide range of colours, hidh breed standard, many triumphs in cat–shows – all of this make the Siberian breed very popular. Four the most big international organization – WCF, FIFe, TICA and CFA – consider our siberians first of all.